Random thoughts and bits of life of a coffee loving artist

Saturday, March 6, 2021

And Now for Something Completely Different


Dawn! How's the reorganization of your space going? We haven't seen updates!” Yes, I can hear you all. However, my fellow adventurers, we're going to side our battle with trying to figure out what the hell we're doing with the space for a moment and get some work done. So, ladies and gentlemen, enjoy this small intermission from organization and cleaning updates.

'Snake Medicine' by Dawn Star Wood
Snake Medicine Design
As some of you may know, I have a small shop on the Redbubble website where I have some of my designs on products. The newest in the collection is Snake Medicine. I officially added it to the shop early February and it's currently on mugs, phone cases, shirts, stationary and tote bags. The original design was done in watercolors and micron pen on watercolor paper. This was perhaps one of the more daunting designs I've done since the scales on the snake took me so long to do since I normally don't 

Snake Medicine on Redbubble

'Reading Buddies' by Dawn Star Wood

Reading Buddies Design

Late last year I created this design of basically a miniature me riding on a whale who was gently gliding through space, all the while reading a book. Created in watercolors and micron pen on watercolor paper, I fell in love with this piece and decided to keep the original. This particular one is also available on my Redbubble shop but this month, for a limited time, I made a small batch of stickers and acrylic pins of the design available for purchase.

Reading Buddies on Redbubble

Peonies and Forget-Me-Nots Dice Box

Those who are long time followers are familiar with my various random refurbished box projects I do from time to time. This particular box was originally a random project I had done several years ago but was never satisfied with so tucked it into my private random wood pile. While sorting through things in my cleaning, I stumbled across it and decided that I would give it new life. So sanded the old design off along with the box as a whole to prep it for the new design, switched out the hardware, do minor repairs, felted the inside and made it so there was a little slot for a player to tuck some character sheets away. Overall, the project took me

about 2 weeks to do, with some understandable pauses along the way (waiting for glaze and glue to dry). I love the end result with how everything works together.

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